Giving Your Vision a Voice
You’ve heard the phrase, “Find your why.”
Start with the Author of “your why.”
If you’re reading this article, you are probably involved with a mission-driven organization. You are about building the kingdom of God and serving his people. Your vision is for the work to expand and accelerate, and you recognize that more people need to learn about it through a clear, compelling message.
How do you steward your influence with excellence?
But how do you navigate this noisy world of sound bites, YouTube videos, TikToks and Twitter? How do you effectively share the important work that God has called you to do? How do you steward your influence with excellence?
First Things First.
Begin with a two-way conversation with the One who put you on this path in the first place. Spend some extended time with the Father of time, asking him to confirm and clarify your vision.
Psalm 127:1 says, “Unless the Lord builds the house, the builders labor in vain.”
Before we consider the “how” of marketing, communicating and connecting, I would encourage you to go somewhere quiet, ask God three questions, and make sure you arrive at clear answers.
“Who are you doing this work for?”
This will help you find your focus.
Ask for an undivided heart. “Teach me your way, Lord, that I may rely on your faithfulness; give me an undivided heart, that I may fear your name” (Psalm 86:11).
Our number one stewardship is not the organizations we run. It’s our hearts.
King Solomon began his reign with a heart wholly devoted to God. However, his foreign wives soon distracted his heart with the acceptance of their false gods, and an unquenchable thirst for the expansion of his kingdom. Solomon’s divided heart led to his downfall and the eventual split of Israel into two separate kingdoms. (1 Kings 11:1-13)
An undivided heart beats only for its Maker. It focuses on the “unseen” rather than the distractions around it.
If an undivided heart is your daily, intentional prayer, you will:
- More quickly recognize the things that draw your heart away.
- Guard against the distractions that slow you down or might disqualify you from pursuing the vision and the work set before you.
“Why are you doing the work?”
This is your motive.
Authentic vision casting is rooted in motive. The message we share must reflect our “why”.
Colossians 3:23 says, “Whatever you do, work at it with all your heart, as working for the Lord, not for men.” The motive for our work will either be to glorify God, to elevate ourselves, or to please others.
In a world that promotes platform and rewards popularity with book deals and visibility, it’s easy to connect a growing “followership” with doing things correctly. However, as leaders we must carefully hold a tension in regards to renown. Privileges come with being known. People begin to treat you differently and doors of opportunity open that were formerly closed. The key is maintaining a sober focus on the stewardship and responsibility God has entrusted to you.
We should delight in the gifts God has given and embrace the work set before us. As our message and ministry expand, the challenge is to keep our motives pure. “Blessed are the pure in heart, for they will see God.” (Matt. 5:8).
As Christians, the desire of our hearts should be to know God and make him known.
Jesus lets us in on the secret to this incredible opportunity! A pure heart. Daily communion with and surrender to the One who reached down to us results in a transformed life without limits.
“What problem are you solving?”
This defines your purpose.
- Ask God for wisdom on how he wants you to focus your time.
- If the vision is something you can accomplish on your own, chances are it is not from God.
- God-sized visions become reality through empty vessels. The Holy Spirit wants to work in and through us. Our job is to get out of the way.
No matter the size or history of your organization, never allow it to move forward on autopilot.
No matter the size or history of your organization, never allow it to move forward on autopilot.
We should revisit vision, mission and the role we play on a regular basis, both on our knees and with our leadership team.
Prayer and surrender are the foundation for casting a compelling vision that people will want to get behind.
When we begin to see God’s “immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine” (Eph. 3:20) come to life in our organization, our conviction and joy will become contagious!
Making Vision Stick
It starts with boiling water.
My mom made delicious spaghetti. Homemade sauce and noodles cooked to perfection. I will never forget the way she would throw the noodles against the wall to see if they were ready. How did she know when they were “done”? They would stick to the wall.
Creating a “sticky” vision statement takes time and isn’t always easy. Some “boiling water” (i.e. painstaking commitment to the process) will be involved. You may have to throw a few noodles against the wall before one finally sticks.
However, the effort you put into it will be worth it. People want to understand where they are going before they can fully commit to locking arms with you to get there.
A clearly stated vision statement gives the organization direction for the future. An effective mission statement focuses on what you will do in the present to achieve that future goal.
A Great Example: (from Britt Skrabanek)
Company: LinkedIn
Vision: To create economic opportunity for every member of the global workforce.
Mission: To connect the world’s professionals to make them more productive and successful.
Why it works: LinkedIn succinctly captures what they do (connect) and who they serve (the world’s professionals) in their mission. While the vision encompasses every working person in the world, says Skrabanek.
Andy Stanley shares a formula in his book Making Vision Stick (Zondervan, 2007):
- State it simply
- Cast it convincingly
- Repeat it regularly
- Celebrate it systematically
I agree with his statement, “Vision needs to be simple and memorable because memorable is portable.”
Let’s make it easy for our team and our [donors/ clients/ customers] to carry our organization’s vision wherever they go.
Communicating for Impact
The type of content people remember most is narrative messaging. Tell Stories. This is how your “why” comes to life.
- Founder Stories: Tell people why you started the organization. What is your background? What opened your eyes to the need? What broke your heart? How can you connect your story to God’s story?
- Team Member Stories: What drew you to the organization? Share stories of the interactions over the years that have made all the hard work worth it.
- Donor/Client/Customer Stories: How is your life different as a result of this organization? Your communication should create impact, and impact has no expiration date.
Communicating with Excellence
We achieve excellence faster in community. Others with a fresh perspective and experience can help us get better.
If you’re speaking on behalf of your organization, hire a speaking coach to help you become as effective as possible, both in what you say and how you say it.
You may only have one opportunity with a particular group or person. Make it count.
Getting the Word Out
Once your God-ordained, clearly communicated vision, mission and messaging are established, it’s time to get the word out!
- Rally Your Rolodex!
Who knows you and believes in what you’re doing? Activate them! Have them host an event, a dinner or a webinar and invite potential partners, investors, and clients. This invitation only opportunity creates connection and momentum.
- Write a Book!
You are doing important work and have a compelling story to tell... write it down! You don’t have to wait for a publisher. Publish it yourself or hire a hybrid firm who can help you from start to finish. If you do, you will have more opportunities for interviews, podcasts and speaking engagements. A book opens doors that might stay shut otherwise.
- Communicate Authentically and Consistently
Where is your audience? Go there. Utilize social media platforms for the purpose of engagement with your audience, not to sell to them. Let people get to know you as a person, and they will join you on your journey.
Our agency operates in the space of influence. We walk alongside Christian leaders in the marketplace and in ministry, helping them expand their work. We understand that taking the time to ask the questions of focus, motive and purpose has eternal ramifications.
So, run hard after God. Allow the Spirit to fuel the great work you are called to do. Then, do it with excellence.
Julie Shaffner is the President of Voices to Connect in Atlanta, Georgia. She works alongside her co-founder Jessica Lalley and team to activate, elevate and accelerate voices that need to be heard. Through consulting, brand strategy, speaking engagements, book launches, strategic connections and partnership development, Voices to Connect cultivates global relationships that lead to opportunities for impact.

Julie Shaffner will be a co-presenter in the “CEO Forum” at The Outcomes Conference 2023 in Chicago, March 28-30. >> Register to Attend