A Vision that Endures

Christian leaders have long understood the importance of establishing a vision for the people they steward. Historically, when we examine a leader’s vision, we often focus on the ingenuity of their imagination toward an ideal future, followed by their ability to guide their organization toward the goal accordingly. However, developing an impactful organizational vision means … Continue reading A Vision that Endures

Vision as Your North Star

In a future world, where uncertainty is a strategic assumption, one factor still stands as the cornerstone of organizational sustainability: the organization’s core identity with the arrowhead of this identity being the organization’s vision. As important as mission, values, and core principles are for clarity of impact, vision is the leading and guiding light. It … Continue reading Vision as Your North Star

Crystal Clear Vision

It was a simple reminder about the importance of organizational vision: “If it doesn’t matter where you’re going, any path will get you there.” I first heard that statement as an aspiring young professional participating in a leadership development conference in Portland, Oregon. The presenter, from World Vision, made the point that clarity of vision … Continue reading Crystal Clear Vision

Pursuing God-inspired Vision

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Santiago “Jimmy” Mellado, President and Chief Executive Officer of Compassion International. Compassion International is a Platinum-level member of Christian Leadership Alliance. Compassion International is a Christian charity dedicated to releasing children from poverty in Jesus’ name. Compassion’s supporters help empower local churches to provide individualized … Continue reading Pursuing God-inspired Vision

Visionary Leadership

Vision is the North Star that motivates people to come alongside and go in a new, ambitious direction. It may be at the highest organization-wide level or for a small team within an organization. Vision can bring sweeping organization transformation or focus on improving a small process that impacts just a handful of people. Many … Continue reading Visionary Leadership

Breakthrough Leadership

“It always seems impossible until it’s done.” (Nelson Mandela) If you’re a ministry leader, you likely believe changing the world is possible. You may have dedicated your career to leading your ministry toward finding a way to fund your cause. Yet, the new challenges you face in today’s nonprofit landscape can make the outcome you’re … Continue reading Breakthrough Leadership