Talk Like a Teenager

I should have seen it coming. After all, communicating persuasively runs through her genes. My husband and I were adamantly opposed to my 16-year-old daughter getting a job – at least during the school year. We were fine with the occasional babysitting gig. What we didn’t want was for her family time/homework availability to be … Continue reading Talk Like a Teenager

Mission Focus

Serving in any organization requires that one understand the vision and mission of the entity and communicate these ideas clearly. Such mission focus is critically important for Christ-centered organizations. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The dramatic times we have seen in the past two years have been problematic for individuals and organizations … Continue reading Mission Focus

Cast Your Nets!

Do you remember the 1980s advertising campaign with the slogan, “Not your father’s Oldsmobile”? Hoping to catch the attention of the next generation, the automaker created a snappy slogan to shake the dust off their well-known name. For those of us serving in legacy ministries, change can be hard, uncomfortable, or even seem impossible. We … Continue reading Cast Your Nets!

Write that Book!

When I think about managing change, any kind of change, there’s a graphic concept that always comes to mind. The first frame of that graphic, “What we think change looks like,” is a straight ascending arrow pointing confidently from the present into the preferred future. The second frame, “What change actually looks like,” features a … Continue reading Write that Book!

Communicating with Today’s Culture

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Carmen LaBerge a Christian cultural influencer who serves as a writer, speaker and Christian talk radio host. She will be a keynote presenter at The Outcomes Conference 2023 in Chicago. Carmen’s passion is helping people reconnect the eternal with the everyday by equipping Christians to … Continue reading Communicating with Today’s Culture