Ambassadors of Hope

Join me on a walk around a Christian school campus. Better yet, conduct a student assembly or a faculty meeting and give each attendee a 3×5 card. Ask them to define diversity, inclusion, justice, equality, equity, woke, critical race theory, white privilege, racial-based reconciliation, systemic racism, or any other lightning-rod issue related to racial-based dissension. … Continue reading Ambassadors of Hope

Vision Casting

Vision is crucial in life, in ministry and in work, right? Right? Right! But, what is vision? Where does it come from? And how do high-performing ministries create, express, and pursue their vision? These big, important, persistent questions deserve answers. Here’s my take. I’ve been blessed to walk alongside countless organizations as they chart their own … Continue reading Vision Casting

Faithful Metrics

During the pandemic, our leadership team put aside our very active effort to re-tool and rethink our key performance indicators (KPIs) and key performance factors (KPFs). Our attention was completely consumed helping our business partners and staff to get through crazy new challenges of ministry shutdowns and start-ups. Some schools are on round three; some … Continue reading Faithful Metrics

What Story Will They Tell?

“Our board would like you to come fix our Millennials.” The administrator of a small nonprofit was on the phone explaining that her organization established a “junior board of Millennials” as part of their succession plan. The Board of Directors, composed of Baby Boomers and Traditionalists, wanted these Millennials “fixed” to embrace the organization’s mission … Continue reading What Story Will They Tell?

Seasons of Change

“Prepare for exodus.” These were the words that came to mind during a workshop at the Outcomes Conference 2019. Every season of change should have a desired outcome. RiverCross, the ministry I lead, had come under the umbrella of a larger organization in 2015. We retained our 501©3 status, but operated as a ministry of … Continue reading Seasons of Change