Talk Like a Teenager

I should have seen it coming. After all, communicating persuasively runs through her genes. My husband and I were adamantly opposed to my 16-year-old daughter getting a job – at least during the school year. We were fine with the occasional babysitting gig. What we didn’t want was for her family time/homework availability to be … Continue reading Talk Like a Teenager

Books for Winter 2022

BOOKS 1. Authentic Influencer: The Barnabas way of shaping lives for Jesus By Jonathan Murphy (Thomas Nelson, March 28, 2023) Book Overview  2. Communicating with Grace and Virtue: Learning to listen, speak, text, and interact as a Christian By Quentin J. Shultze (Baker Academic, Sept. 2020) Book Overview 3. Culture Built My Brand: The secret to … Continue reading Books for Winter 2022

Mission Focus

Serving in any organization requires that one understand the vision and mission of the entity and communicate these ideas clearly. Such mission focus is critically important for Christ-centered organizations. “Where there is no vision, the people perish.” The dramatic times we have seen in the past two years have been problematic for individuals and organizations … Continue reading Mission Focus