Spring 2020 | Transform

Transformed Hearts

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Ken Harrison, Chairman and CEO of Promise Keepers. Ken’s mission is to provide executive leadership and strategic direction to the ministry while inspiring men…

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Transformational Leaders

Leading a faith-based nonprofit organization requires a unique set of circumstances and skills. Competent management skills, effective leadership skills, and a biblically-based spiritual foundation comprise key ingredients...

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Four Pillars of Culture

It starts at the beginning. It starts at the front door. Not a virtual front portal, but the actual steel and glass front door. Jase was filled with both anticipation and a bit of anxiety. It was his first day of work at the Joni and Friends...

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Kingdom Wisdom

One of my direct reports had come to me for advice on how to solve a problem he was facing. His options were several—all with good and bad consequences. Which one should he choose? As I listened, I was having a conversation with myself.

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Creative Destruction

In the spirit of awards season, if there was an “Exceptionally Obvious Statement of the Year” award, a worthy contender would be: “Too many important kingdom nonprofits aren’t growing.” This seems to have been the case for some time, hasn’t it? [...]

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Stewarding Stuff

One the most powerful tools to transform a leader’s soul, organization and constituency is how that leader handles the stuff he or she is entrusted to steward. It is no accident that God’s Word has more verses on our use of possessions...

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Faith and Action

One of the most transformative journeys for any Christian leader is learning to navigate well the relationship between faith and action. One leader who did so in a key moment of crisis was King Hezekiah of Judah.

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Leading Yourself

As a leader it can be hard to tell ourselves the truth, or even know the truth, about ourselves. But it is incumbent upon a leader to do the hard work of self-discovery, and not to let our position become the reason for insulation from the truth.

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Envisioning the Future

Is it possible to over quote Stephen Covey’s seminal book, The 7 Habits of Highly Successful People? Since it was first published in 1989 (the year I graduated from college), I have held in high regard Covey’s “Habit 2: Begin with the end in mind.” [...]

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Translating Christian Leadership

Faith is not for the faint of heart. Like many cradle Christians, I had a well-defined identity in Christian spaces. I could slip in and out of it without a thought. It was adaptive camouflage. It was code switching.

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Are You Weary or Well?

I want to be a full participant in God’s transforming work in this world. Many factors influence the effectiveness and endurance of my efforts, one of which is my overall health and well-being.

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Books for Spring 2020

In each edition of Outcomes, Christian Leadership Alliance highlights books to help you think higher as a Christian leader. Here are 12 volumes that will help transform your Christian leadership.

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