Fall 2020 | Stewardship

Stewards of the Mission

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed John Nugent who serves as President and COO of Joni and Friends, a role he has held since January of 2019. They discussed being wise steward leaders in this season.

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Successful Executive Stewardship

Stewardship is not for the faint of heart. In the simplest form, good stewardship is about responsibility for all that God has entrusted in our care. For those who lead and steward teams, initiatives, programs, and expansive mission…

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Stewardship in Bible Translation

At Wycliffe Bible Translators USA, one of our sayings is, “We don’t do it alone.” That’s because in the nearly 80 years that we’ve been doing this work, we’ve learned that relationships are the heartbeat of Bible translation…

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Crisis Stewardship and Giving

During this challenging season, everyone is saying, “What do we do?” The situation forces us to ask deeper, harder questions. This article features six of them related to stewardship and giving. With each one, we explore the example of Paul…

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Partners for Life

In this article, I want to highlight three elements which when applied strategically and consistently to your partner development work will ensure the best chance of success in optimizing partner engagement and generosity for your mission.

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2020 Changed Everything

For many kingdom-minded brands, uncertainty and disruption are forcing critical decisions to be made at a pace faster than ever before. Difficult decisions reveal the true priorities of any organization, as well as the health of its culture.

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Stewards of Strategic Resources

As a nonprofit leader, you are placed in a position to steward the resources that have been entrusted to you. Many leaders think of this in its most basic form — money. Certainly stewarding your organization’s finances with excellence is vital…

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Stewarding our Souls

In 1994, my world was rocked when I was in my fifth month of pregnancy and the doctor sent me to a genetic counselor. In 2006, our oldest son joined the Marines and was soon deployed to Iraq. In 2017, I was diagnosed with breast cancer.

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Nurturing Your Team

Often, we can equate the concept of stewardship merely to financial management. But the longer I serve in leadership positions, the more I realize the importance of having a stewardship mindset regarding people.

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Giving and America’s Faith-Based Nonprofits

As soon as we all realized how momentous COVID-19 was going to be, I could see the fear rising among America’s faith-based nonprofits. Leaders of the nation’s 1.5 million nonprofit organizations, many totally dependent on charitable giving, watched [...]

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Measuring Kingdom Impact

All boards need to make sure micro-stewardship is in place and functional in the organization they oversee. But they would be wise to take a step back every once in a while and ask the bigger question…

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Building T.R.U.S.T.

Is your leadership style depleting your energy and preventing you from stewarding your followers well? Here are five ways to build T.R.U.S.T., allowing you to be a good steward of your people, and their talents…

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Books for Fall 2020

In each edition of Outcomes, Christian Leadership Alliance highlights books to help you think higher as a Christian leader. Here are 12 volumes that explore ways we can effectively steward our lives and leadership to honor Christ.

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