Books for Fall 2020
12 books on stewarding our lives and leadership for Christ
1. Kingdom Stewardship
By Dr. Tony Evans (Focus on the Family, Jan. 7, 2020)
Book Overview
2. Succession: Seven practices to navigate mission-critical leadership transitions
By Peter Greer and Doug Fagerstrom (Independently published, Aug. 12, 2020)
Book Overview
3. The Beautiful Community: Unity, diversity and the church at its best
By Dr. Irwyn L. Ince Jr. (IVPress, Aug. 4, 2020)
Book Overview
4. I am a Leader: When women discover the joy of their calling
By Angie Ward (NavPress, March 3, 2020)
Book Overview
5. Maximizing Board Effectiveness: A practical guide for adaptive governance
By Dr. James C. Galvin (Tenth Power Publishing, June 15, 2020)
Book Overview
6. The Courage Factor: Taking bold steps that lead to joy
By Bob Westfall (Leafwood Publishers, Aug. 25, 2020)
Book Overview
7. Essential Habits of Relational Leaders: Building a culture of trust
By Boyd Bailey (Harvest House Pub., Aug. 11, 2020)
Book Overview
8. The 7 Perspectives of Effective Leaders: A proven framework for improving decisions and increasing your influence
By Daniel Harkavy (Baker Books, Oct. 20, 2020)
Book Overview
9. World Changers: How God uses ordinary people to do extraordinary things
By Greg Laurie and Larry Libby (Baker Books, Sept. 1, 2020)
Book Overview
10. The Courage to Stand: Facing your fear without losing your soul
By Dr. Russell Moore (B&H Books, Oct. 6, 2020)
Book Overview
11. A Way With Words: Using our online conversations for good
By Daniel Darling (B&H Books, Aug. 18, 2020)
Book Overview
12. Thriving in Love & Money: 5 game-changing insights about your relationship, your money, and yourself
By Shaunti and Jeff Feldhahn (Bethany House Publishers, March 3, 2020)
Book Overview