Freedom from Fear

“He who has overcome his fears will truly be free,” Aristotle. Fear is the currency of today’s world. It hyperventilates on our social media feeds and dominates our news stories. Fear is potent because it sells. It attracts viewers. Fear motivates voters. Fear drives donations. It also spurs bitter tribalism. A constant drumbeat of fear … Continue reading Freedom from Fear

Joy Bringer

Every day I turn on my microphone to bring joy and encourage radio listeners across the nation. It’s a privilege, but it’s not always easy. Before I became a pastor, author, or radio host, I was a professional actor. I loved being able to bring joy to a live audience every night. Playing a character … Continue reading Joy Bringer

He Gets Us

There’s a groundswell happening. Can you feel it? A new movement in Christianity is taking shape among a growing cohort of like-minded Jesus followers. We are diverse in our faith traditions and lived experiences, but we share a calling — to reintroduce our culture to Jesus through unending grace and unconditional love. He Gets Us … Continue reading He Gets Us