Talk Like a Teenager

I should have seen it coming. After all, communicating persuasively runs through her genes. My husband and I were adamantly opposed to my 16-year-old daughter getting a job – at least during the school year. We were fine with the occasional babysitting gig. What we didn’t want was for her family time/homework availability to be … Continue reading Talk Like a Teenager

Books for Winter 2022

BOOKS 1. Authentic Influencer: The Barnabas way of shaping lives for Jesus By Jonathan Murphy (Thomas Nelson, March 28, 2023) Book Overview  2. Communicating with Grace and Virtue: Learning to listen, speak, text, and interact as a Christian By Quentin J. Shultze (Baker Academic, Sept. 2020) Book Overview 3. Culture Built My Brand: The secret to … Continue reading Books for Winter 2022