Crystal Clear Vision

It was a simple reminder about the importance of organizational vision: “If it doesn’t matter where you’re going, any path will get you there.” I first heard that statement as an aspiring young professional participating in a leadership development conference in Portland, Oregon. The presenter, from World Vision, made the point that clarity of vision … Continue reading Crystal Clear Vision

Risk Management

Now more than ever before, nonprofit leaders must recognize the importance of risk management as an inherent part of organizational oversight and leadership. But what does proper risk management look like, and whose responsibility is it? What does proper risk management look like, and whose responsibility is it? Many nonprofit governing bodies (boards) assume that … Continue reading Risk Management

Fiduciary CPR

The year 2023 has brought with it a host of challenges! Rising interest rates, a banking crisis, the ongoing war in Ukraine which shows little sign of ending. The removal of the Speaker of the House, and election of a new Speaker of the House. The threat of a government shutdown. Also, the burgeoning conflict … Continue reading Fiduciary CPR