Fall 2023 | Giving

Generous Giving

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Nathan Jones, President, Youth For Christ Foundation.

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Capturing Hearts and Minds

Many years ago, a mentor convinced me that fundraising is ministry. That changed everything. I no longer viewed asking for money as uncomfortable, awkward, or saw development work as “a necessary evil,” as some would term it.

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The Shrinking Middle

Collectively, middle-income households have been the backbone of charitable giving for most of the past century. Unfortunately, giving from this critical segment of donors has been shrinking for over a decade, and is on the verge of collapse.

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Will God Give Us What We Need?

Several years ago, Tim Keller, co-founder and chairman of the board of Redeemer City to City, who recently went to be with the Lord, said in conversation, “God is going to give us exactly what we need, no more, no less. So what are you worried about? [...]

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Generational Generosity

Generosity is a foundational principle in our family. From a young age, we were taught that everything has been given to us by God, so we need to give back to him and to others as he gives to us.

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Fundraising Wisdom from Ecclesiastes

Fear God and keep his commandments. I took these words of wisdom from Ecclesiastes, and from my mom, into the world to begin my illustrious career as a fundraiser.

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Major Donor Giving Trends

Generous gifts from major donors play a vital role in fulfilling the vision and sustaining the mission and impact of ministry organizations. However, as the philanthropic landscape evolves, so do the expectations and preferences of major donors.

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It’s Not About You

Supporters will give token offerings to a variety of ministries just because they are asked. If we want to foster long-term relationships, however, we must connect with their hearts.

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Gratitude for Givers

In this sacred realm of philanthropy, gratitude is the foundation for transformative donor relationships. By embracing the spirit of gratitude, we can reach the heart of the giver and forge lasting partnerships...

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The Fundraising Board Member

Many board members are not aware of the full extent of their fundraising responsibilities. If you could write the perfect fundraising job description for your board members, what would you include?

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Navigating Tempests of Change

Given the turbulent and often frightful events of the COVID pandemic and its fallout, it is helpful to consider what changed for nonprofits and the impact of these changes on organizations, particularly those that are faith-based.

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Transformative Donor Relationships

Are you grateful to the donor for their commitment, guided by God? Donor partners desire for their contributions to hold purpose.

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Books for Fall 2023

Christian Leadership Alliance recommends 12 great Fall 2023 books that will help you to grow giving to ministry while honing your leadership acumen and skills.

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