Fall 2019 | Equipping

Best Christian Workplaces

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Al Lopus, president and co-founder of the Best Christian Workplaces Institute (BCWI) on the “Equipping” theme of this edition of Outcomes magazine.

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Cultural Clarity

There’s an old adage commonly attributed to Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Along with Drucker, other noted consultants, authors, and management gurus have affirmed that one attribute all great organizations share is...

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Stewarding Professional Development

In a world where the pace of business is increasing and the shelf life of hard skills is decreasing, providing quality professional development for your team makes good sense. It’s not a perk or add-on anymore…

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Equipping Your Team

Equipping people to serve, achieve higher performance, attain goals, and become better people is what leadership is all about. As a leader, a part of your legacy is developing other people and growing your team.

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Developing Potential

Jesus modeled the way for us. Consider the ragtag group of fishermen he called into service. Jesus perceived kingdom potential in them that went unrealized and undeveloped in their fishing boats.

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Authentic Appreciation

While authenticity has become an important concept in our culture recently, we have long emphasized that authentic appreciation is critical for healthy workplace relationships.

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Roadmaps for Success

Over the years, I have had the privilege of serving as a senior human resources executive in some of the world’s largest and most admired companies. During this time, I have observed that many companies and organizations spend significant resources… [...]

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Know Your Team!

Managing a team today requires us to cultivate an environment that values learning, where leaders have a positive motivational impact on the individuals within their team.

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Guiding, Supporting and Coaching

The ultimate equipper of his team was Jesus! Equipping is the major thing that jumps off the pages of Jesus’ story from the Bible, and from writers who help us use his example in our lives and work.

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Servant Leadership

I find that most Christians long to use their time and talents to advance Christ’s purposes. Their understanding of the path to such service, however, is deeply influenced by the assumptions of our culture.

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Equipped for Action

My football coach barked, “Hey Walker, number 31, get your helmet on—you’re going in.” And just like that, I was in the game. Was I nervous? Yes. Was my heart beating out of my chest? You bet. Was I prepared? Absolutely…

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Books for Fall 2019

In each edition of Outcomes, Christian Leadership Alliance highlights books to help you think higher as a Christian leader. Here are 12 volumes on equipping your team for excellence, and on pursuing pathways for personal and professional impact.

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