Cultural Clarity

There’s an old adage commonly attributed to Peter Drucker, “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.” Along with Drucker, other noted consultants, authors, and management gurus have affirmed that one attribute all great organizations share is a unique cultural dynamic which drives their corporate success. But what is culture, and how do we equip our teams to … Continue reading Cultural Clarity

Global Megatrends for Philanthropy

Over the next decade global economic, technological, and social trends will transform how nonprofits fundraise. As ministries develop their next long-term strategic plan, leaders must keep in mind five megatrends which will have significant implications for fundraising: Global Economy: China and India lead a diversified global economy where the U.S. is one of several major … Continue reading Global Megatrends for Philanthropy

Sleeping Giants

I was standing on the front porch of a ranch house in southern Oklahoma when the director of the leadership retreat approached. He said, “We’ll start soon. Everybody is here but one.” I was there to facilitate the group and I nodded my head in agreement. He continued, “The last one just called. She made … Continue reading Sleeping Giants

Taming Technology

I love my technology. Yet I also know this: if I do not dominate my screens, they dominate me. When that happens, my soul withers and my leadership fails. But simple choices can make all the difference. The prime commodity of the web economy is attention, monetized via advertising and sales. Means to entice attention … Continue reading Taming Technology

Clear Vision

“Is it better like this,” the optician asks as you stare at indistinct, blurry lines across the room, “or like this?” The blurry lines suddenly resolve into sharply-defined letters. “Oh, yes!” you exclaim. When we create and cast vision, we snap the lenses of God’s kingdom over our organization’s eyes. We help people see the … Continue reading Clear Vision

Ancient Paths

These days, people are telling you how they can help you raise more money for your ministry by following the latest trends and strategies. Digital marketing innovations are plentiful: Round up, Round off, Crowdfunding, Return Path, and Payfurther. Then there are strategies like Amazon Smile: “You shop, Amazon gives.” Recently I even saw an ad … Continue reading Ancient Paths