Vision as Your North Star

In a future world, where uncertainty is a strategic assumption, one factor still stands as the cornerstone of organizational sustainability: the organization’s core identity with the arrowhead of this identity being the organization’s vision. As important as mission, values, and core principles are for clarity of impact, vision is the leading and guiding light. It … Continue reading Vision as Your North Star

Write that Book!

When I think about managing change, any kind of change, there’s a graphic concept that always comes to mind. The first frame of that graphic, “What we think change looks like,” is a straight ascending arrow pointing confidently from the present into the preferred future. The second frame, “What change actually looks like,” features a … Continue reading Write that Book!

He Gets Us

There’s a groundswell happening. Can you feel it? A new movement in Christianity is taking shape among a growing cohort of like-minded Jesus followers. We are diverse in our faith traditions and lived experiences, but we share a calling — to reintroduce our culture to Jesus through unending grace and unconditional love. He Gets Us … Continue reading He Gets Us

Confident in the Gospel

While teaching on a very secular university campus last fall, I noticed something strange about the difference between my days and my nights. During the daytime I would teach students who mostly had little if any religious background at all. Many of them struggled to even identify themselves as “atheists” or “agnostics” simply because they … Continue reading Confident in the Gospel