In God We Trust

For the Christian church in the world today, it is the best of times and it is the worst of times. Globally, the growth of the Christian church has never been greater. At the same time, persecution of Christians has never been more widespread. In these tumultuous times of extremes, these two realities best capture … Continue reading In God We Trust

Sowing Seeds

I think most of us engaged in Christian ministry fundraising would agree that this past year was challenging. The context in which I say that is with regard to “money raised” either compared to the previous year or perhaps against a budget that had aggressive goals. The antithesis of this past “challenging year” of course … Continue reading Sowing Seeds

Defining Moments

Defining moments. Every leader has them. Likely one or two come to mind just on hearing the phrase. Outcomes editor-in-chief W. Scott Brown asked Paula Fuller, Executive Vice President for People and Culture with InterVarsity Christian Fellowship/USA, and Bruce McNicol, CEO of Trueface, to reflect on how being rooted in relationships of trust has shaped their … Continue reading Defining Moments