Awakened to Abundance

“Did my donation matter?” The first time I heard this question, it startled me. The second time, this question caused me to pause. After the third time, I started to dig deeper. How could a donor that once felt so compelled to financially support a nonprofit organization now question if their donation even mattered? I … Continue reading Awakened to Abundance

Bright Spots

Do you sense it? Something big is going on. The world is changing. Technology has transformed our lives. It has altered the way we expect to engage with each other, with the companies from which we buy, and with the donors who support our ministry. And it’s changing at a pace we’ve never seen before. … Continue reading Bright Spots

Rooting for Rivals

Bible translation would seem like a likely place for generosity and openhanded collaboration. Getting all of Scripture into every language is a clear goal shared by the global church. But like every sector, it’s also a place of fragmentation. One foundation executive in Tennessee recently shared how one year, three different agencies approached him for … Continue reading Rooting for Rivals

Engaging Millennials

Let’s be honest. Millennials get bad press. They are vilified by the media. Time Magazine called millennials “The Me Me Me Generation.” Millennials are supposedly the laziest, the most entitled, job hopping, disloyal, and narcissistic generation of all. Wow, who wants to be a millennial after hearing this? Surely, every generation has its blind spots, … Continue reading Engaging Millennials