Talk Like a Teenager

I should have seen it coming. After all, communicating persuasively runs through her genes. My husband and I were adamantly opposed to my 16-year-old daughter getting a job – at least during the school year. We were fine with the occasional babysitting gig. What we didn’t want was for her family time/homework availability to be … Continue reading Talk Like a Teenager

Joy Bringer

Every day I turn on my microphone to bring joy and encourage radio listeners across the nation. It’s a privilege, but it’s not always easy. Before I became a pastor, author, or radio host, I was a professional actor. I loved being able to bring joy to a live audience every night. Playing a character … Continue reading Joy Bringer

Toward Reconciliation

If I’ve heard this once, I’ve heard it a thousand times: “Alvin, I don’t see a black man; I just see a man.” Though my colleagues mean well when they tell me this, I always inform them that this comment is not warm and hospitable to me! The desire to live in a color blind … Continue reading Toward Reconciliation