A Higher Allegiance

To wear or not to wear, that is the question. For a couple of years, we have thought, talked, and maybe even argued about masks at church. But I first contemplated mask-wearing at church about ten years ago, before the pandemic and for a very different reason. While leading a class called “Christianity Explored,” I … Continue reading A Higher Allegiance

A Shepherd’s Vision

Growing up in southern California in the 1960s and 1970s certainly had its perks. You can picture them – clear skies, the Pacific Ocean, nearly perfect weather year-round, and you guessed it, Disneyland. Walt saw his vision realized as one “land” after another was designed and erected. It would eventually attract children of all ages … Continue reading A Shepherd’s Vision

Kingdom Wisdom

One of my direct reports had come to me for advice on how to solve a problem he was facing. His options were several—all with good and bad consequences. Which one should he choose? As I listened, I was having a conversation with myself. “He’s going to expect me to have an answer. What should … Continue reading Kingdom Wisdom