Fall 2018 | Thriving

Relying on God

Christian Leadership Alliance President and CEO Tami Heim recently interviewed Steve Douglass, who serves as president of both Campus Crusade for Christ International and Cru, as the ministry is known in the United States.

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Taming Technology

I love my technology. Yet I also know this: if I do not dominate my screens, they dominate me. When that happens, my soul withers and my leadership fails. But simple choices can make all the difference.

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Leadership’s Perfect Storm

Out there, just over the horizon, a storm is brewing. This storm is not a political storm. It is not a cultural war. It is a storm brewing deep within the soul of many leaders who serve in the marketplace or ministry arenas.

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The Best of All Books

Here are three reasons why you should prioritize the Bible in your daily walk as a leader: God’s Word will strengthen your friendship with Jesus, fortify your decision-making, and transform the people you lead.

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Hungry to Thrive

Years ago, I heard a quote attributed to the late Peter Drucker, although some have questioned whether he really said it. Regardless of the source, the message stuck with me: “Culture eats strategy for breakfast.”

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The Secret to Thriving

Every day you juggle competing demands of important tasks, prioritizing what is most essential. It can get wearying. In the midst of daily pressures, what determines the difference between thriving and surviving?

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Good Shepherds

What does abundant-life leadership look like? As always, the answer lies in Scripture – both in the wisdom of the ancients and in the metaphor of The Good Shepherd.

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Relationships that Recharge

As CEO and president of an organization of 450-plus employees in eight countries, I have recognized the need to create a workplace culture that combats the burnout that often occurs in ministry and nonprofit work.

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Living from Quiet

When resources are scarce, it’s all too easy to add more and more to our day, our calendar and our lives. Living from quiet is a deliberate choice to spend time with God.

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Thriving Donor Relationships

Thriving donor relationships are more than gift-giving and swag gifts. Doing something for your donors involves the intangible gift of including them in your mission to change lives for eternity.

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Ride the Wave

I recently finished a book called Ride the Wave: Experience History’s Biggest Flow of Wealth and Worship with Estate Gifts, and I want to share three strategies from the book that you can use.

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Books for Fall 2018

In each edition of Outcomes, Christian Leadership Alliance highlights books to help you to think higher as a Christian leader. Here are 12 books to consider for Fall 2018.

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