Reinventing the Wheel

How many times have you heard “let’s not reinvent the wheel”? Dozens? Hundreds? Perhaps you’ve even said it a few times. (We have too.) Surely, sometimes this is terrible advice. After all, no one drives around in a car with four medieval wooden cart wheels hugging the road. Similarly, “let’s not reinvent the wheel” is … Continue reading Reinventing the Wheel

Creating a Learning Culture

As leaders, God entrusts us to build flourishing organizations through flourishing people. The idea of “flourishing” suggests continuous and intentional learning, growth, and change. In addition, learning requires effective communication. As the ancient proverb states, “Let the wise listen and add to their learning, and let the discerning get guidance.” (Prov. 1:5) Creating an organizational … Continue reading Creating a Learning Culture

Cast Your Nets!

Do you remember the 1980s advertising campaign with the slogan, “Not your father’s Oldsmobile”? Hoping to catch the attention of the next generation, the automaker created a snappy slogan to shake the dust off their well-known name. For those of us serving in legacy ministries, change can be hard, uncomfortable, or even seem impossible. We … Continue reading Cast Your Nets!

Mindsets for Innovation

We needed a win in a bad way. In my first year as CEO of a small nonprofit, we faced financial, staffing and program challenges. Global Mapping International (GMI) provided research products and services for global missions (the organization is now closed), and thankfully the former CEO had proactively commissioned a study on how nonprofit … Continue reading Mindsets for Innovation